Monday, December 12, 2016

Alright, folks, we're up and running again.

The question is, what to run about? It's obvious really. There's only one game in town.

What the fuck is the world supposed to do with Drumpf? Orange Muppet Hitler is cozying up to Putin and every one of his appointee picks is an arsonist pillager ideally suited to loot and then burn their agency. He's pissing off the Chinese for asinine reasons (unless he just wants them to cancel his debt). And he's got a list of conflicts of interest that would legitimately take a very long time to list and explain. He's a nightmare. He's the nightmare of our age. All of America's anti-intellectualism and racism and exceptionalism and bile congealed in to one weird orange artificially turfed package.

It's going to be an exciting four years and I want to make sure my voice is heard before Drumpf re-writes our libel laws and makes this sort of thing a summary execution offense.

So strap in, buckle up, keep on hand on the fire extinguisher, this jalopy is getting back on the highway.

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